The Global Neutrino Network (GNN) aims for a closer collaboration and a coherent strategy among the neutrino telescope projects.
At present, it consists of five partners:
– The ANTARES Collaboration
– The Baikal Collaboration
– The IceCube Collaboration
– The KM3NeT Collaboration
– The P-ONE Collaboration
– The RNO-G Collaboration
GNN aims to develop a coherent strategy and to exploit the synergistic effects of cooperation. It will serve as a forum for formalizing and further developing the present annual Mediterranean-Antarctic Neutrino Telescope Symposium (MANTS) meetings and biannual international workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes (VLVNT). Goals of GNN include the coordination of alert and multi-messenger policies, exchange and mutual checks of software, creation of a common software pool, establishing a common legacy of public documents, developing standards for data representation, cross-checks of results with different systematics, the organization of schools, and other forms of exchanging expertise, e.g. through mutual working visits of scientists and engineers or by forming ad-hoc advisory committees of members of the five participating collaborations.
News and announcements from GNN can found in the “News” link above. The GNN Community also authors the monthly newsletter “GNN Monthly”. It is released as a publicly available document since November 2020. Click the link at the top right teaser for access.